DJ Tripple555 calls New York City his home, and runs the LionTV Show as well as the LionSound .

His skillful mastery of Turntables perfecto of mixes which includes reggae, Dubs, Funk, Pop, Rhythm & Blues, AFROBEATS, and Soca music combined with his incredible energy allows a drive of Passion to command any Occasion. Whether it be Interviews, Podcast, Weddings, Birthday parties, Graduation parties, just about any social events. Music for Tripple555 is a ferocious stream that he uses to express deep emotions and serves as his personal dose of therapy. Tripple555’s first broadcast was in 2008 on a US network called Blog TV. The Lion TV show studio was born in 2007 and has been broadcasted on a few platforms such as:, Livestream, Chew TV, and Facebook. Today, you can find the LION TV SHOW on Tripple555 is currently working on creating a tapestry of music and dubs, making his set more marketable and unique. His music influence was the late Garnett Silk (Jamaican reggae musician). Tripple555’s plan is to travel the world.